Name Perks Rarity Tier
Sello de ocultista de la Alianza
Sello de clérigo de la Alianza
Sello de bárbaro del Sindicato
Sello de bandolero del Sindicato
Sello de mago del Sindicato
Sello de clérigo del Sindicato
Sello de soldado de los Saqueadores Can be bought in shop
Sello de montaraz de los Saqueadores Can be bought in shop
Sello de erudito de los Saqueadores Can be bought in shop
Sello de sabio de los Saqueadores Can be bought in shop
Sello de soldado de la Alianza Can be bought in shop
Sello de montaraz de la Alianza Can be bought in shop
Sello de erudito de la Alianza Can be bought in shop
Sello de sabio de la Alianza Can be bought in shop
Sello de soldado del Sindicato Can be bought in shop
Sello de montaraz del Sindicato Can be bought in shop
Sello de erudito del Sindicato Can be bought in shop
Sello de sabio del Sindicato Can be bought in shop
Extractor de sellos de los Saqueadores Can be bought in shop
Extractor de sellos de la Alianza Can be bought in shop
Extractor de sellos del Sindicato Can be bought in shop
Alijo de Maestría de tala pequeño Can be bought in shop
Uncommon I
Alijo de Maestría de cosecha pequeño Can be bought in shop
Uncommon I
Alijo de Maestría minera pequeño Can be bought in shop
Uncommon I
Alijo de Maestría de desuello pequeño Can be bought in shop
Uncommon I
Alijo de Maestría de pesca pequeño Can be bought in shop
Uncommon I
Alijo de Maestría de tala normal Can be bought in shop
Rare II
Alijo de Maestría de cosecha normal Can be bought in shop
Rare II
Alijo de Maestría minera normal Can be bought in shop
Rare II
Alijo de Maestría de desuello normal Can be bought in shop
Rare II
Alijo de Maestría de pesca normal Can be bought in shop
Rare II
Alijo de Maestría de tala grande Can be bought in shop
Epic III
Alijo de Maestría de cosecha grande Can be bought in shop
Epic III
Alijo de Maestría minera grande Can be bought in shop
Epic III
Alijo de Maestría de desuello grande Can be bought in shop
Epic III
Alijo de Maestría de pesca grande Can be bought in shop
Epic III
Alijo de Maestría de tala superior Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Alijo de Maestría de cosecha superior Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Alijo de Maestría minera superior Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Alijo de Maestría de desuello superior Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Alijo de Maestría de pesca superior Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Maestría de tala de mentor Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Maestría de cosecha de mentor Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Maestría minera de mentor Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Maestría de desuello de mentor Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Maestría de pesca de mentor Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Componente: Trofeo de combate definitivo Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Componente: Trofeo de fabricación definitivo Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Componente: Trofeo de recolección definitivo Can be bought in shop
Legendary IV
Paquete de ayuda de alistamiento a los Saqueadores Reward from quest