Suelo sagrado fortificador

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

Life Staff Los aliados que curas con Suelo sagrado obtienen Fortificación, lo que aumenta la armadura en un 17 % durante 5 s.
Other Gear Los aliados que curas con Suelo sagrado obtienen Fortificación, lo que aumenta la armadura en un 11 % durante 5 s.

Scales with Gear Score Condition: Active Item (active weapon bar) Compatible With: Life Staff, Chest, Helmet, Gloves, Pants, Shoes More Efficient On: Life Staff Exclusive Labels: Skill LifeStaff
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Pingding [Edited]

Does not stack, according to Icy Veins guide.

"Every Weapon Ability in New World has a corresponding perk that can be found on armor and weapons. Most perks scale in power with the Gear Score of the item they are on. You can only benefit from one instance of a Weapon Ability perk at a time. These can be rare to find on gear and are mostly just a bonus."

Amazing User

Anybody know if this perk stacks from multiple sources?(ie From the Malevolent Defender of the Sage, or another lifestaff in the offhand?) tyvm in advance

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