Eficiencia minera

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

+111 % de velocidad de minería base.

Grants Effects
Status_Perk_Tools_Efficiency_Mining Effect ID: Status_Perk_Tools_Efficiency_Mining Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1
Scales with Gear Score Condition: Equipped Item Compatible With: Pickaxe Exclusive Labels: Bonus
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still completely useless in 2025 on mythril pickaxes. takes the same amount of hits to mine ores as a pick without the perk.


After reading up and checking some Youtube videos, this perk appears to be worthless. At least on high GS tools.
Adding 90% "Base Mining speed" still requires the same exact amount of hits and is no faster at all.

Unless I'm wrong, they have to remove this perk or change it.

I realize this after I just wasted 10k gold on a worthless perk!


Don't working at all, this 23% nothing!

No more comments ^^
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