Barrido demoledor

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

War Hammer Barrido inflige Desgarro, lo que reduce la armadura del objetivo en un 24 % durante 7 s.
Other Gear Barrido inflige Desgarro, lo que reduce la armadura del objetivo en un 11 % durante 7 s.

Scales with Gear Score Condition: Active Item (active weapon bar) Compatible With: War Hammer, Chest, Helmet, Gloves, Pants, Shoes More Efficient On: War Hammer Exclusive Labels: Skill 2HHammer
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AlephZero [Edited]

holy cow.....did ags forget the shockwave perk also applies rend???? this is so awkward,..... unless this website didn't data mine the perks info correctly and once 3rd oct arrives and, Sundering Shockwave was secretly reworked and now has a different perk effect, idk why anyone would go for the Sundering Shockwave perk on their weapon for a lesser rend instead of this better Sundering Clear Out rend.... this decision makes no sense at all. Unless some magic synergy along the lines both abilitie's rend stack on top of each other and some rabbit is pulled out of a hat or something crazy I don't see how this is not going to blow up on their faces..., I legit feel and I wouldn't put past ags amateur's tendencies that they genuinely just flat out forgot about the other almost identical hammer perk when they reworked the clear out one (which used to be useless in most scenarios, pushing enemies further away) and sht is going to hit the fan 3rd+ oct and they will have to panic hotfix and rework either perk on the fly before people start crafting 700gs with the wrong perks and lose their minds and thousand of gold LOL.

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