Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Campos baldíos Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Destral de guardia de luto Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Fin maldito Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Hacha olvidada de Amrine Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Realidad cambiante Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Esparceterror Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Fin maldito Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Madera a la deriva Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Ligo Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Fuego de la batalla Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Quema purificadora Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Descarga estática Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Aguijonazo místico Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Agonizador Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Trifulcadora Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Destral de Hespéride
Common V 625-650
Gancho de esclerito Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Kilonda Reward from quest Legendary V 605
Buenos deseos Can be crafted Epic V 600
Presa del creador Can be crafted Epic V 600
Castigadora de hada Can be crafted Epic V 600
Destral de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Destral de artesano Can be crafted Epic V 600
Destral bestial
Uncommon V 600-700
Destral bestial Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Destral nocturno del soldado Can be crafted
Legendary V 600-600
Destral calado Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Destral de dríade Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Destral de profanador Can be crafted
Legendary V 600
Destral de mithril del soldado Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Destral de mithril del montaraz Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Destral de mithril del erudito Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Destral de mithril del sabio Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Destral de mithril del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Fragmento glacial del soldado Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Fragmento glacial del montaraz Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Fragmento glacial del erudito Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Fragmento glacial del sabio Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Fragmento glacial del centinela Can be crafted Legendary V 600
Destral del soldado
Legendary V 600
Destral del soldado
Legendary V 600
Destral de cazatesoros
Uncommon V 600
Destral de cazatesoros
Uncommon V 600
Destral del soldado
Uncommon V 590-595
Gancho de esclerito albino del soldado
Rare V 590
Arena de acechador Legendary V 590
Destral de profanador del oasis
Epic V 590
Destral del soldado
Uncommon V 590-595
Tajo celeste Epic V 580
Destral de comandante de los Saqueadores Can be bought in shop Epic V 580