Name Level Family Zones Requirements Oro 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Joven 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Enjambre corrupto 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Enjambre corrupto 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Sabueso del astillero 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Sabueso del astillero 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Figgy 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Trabajador del astillero 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Zhou Taiying 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Comandante Chen 55 Corrupted Dynasty Shipyard (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65
If this drops only on M3's why it starts with GS 626 when M3's are droping only GS 695 and upwards?