22 kills, luck on most equipment
As of NW:A release, 90 second respawn. Super easy kill.
Engineer hat in about 9 kills. Still bugged if you kill too soon after respawn. Reported bug.
Full corrupted ward heavy set with luck, dram and infused corrupted coating.
Corrupted bane + Trenchant recovery greatsword with arcane gem.
Lots of orichalcum and lodestone nearby to mine in-between kills.
well spawn time late i think 5-10 min not sure, easy solo farm, and don t leave area if u leave mob early spawn and don t give drop.
Full luck set + defiled rabbit's foot + x3 major loot luck tropy .
kill 10 times and drop:
x1 engineer hat
x1 everlasting shield
x3 dark days.
damn second kill i drop engineer hat, full luck set+minor luck trophy
6 min of respawn, very tanky
Update, he is now lvl 63 and he actually can drop in 590+ Range!
He can't drop anything that goes Legendary, he isn't high enough level to drop 590+ GS items.
Are many many many more epic items in is drop than listed here, including the whole corrupt progenitor armor & weapon sets. Killed 32 times with full luck set; no eng hat.