Entre el naufragio (Riscos del Monarca)

Main Story Suggested Level 3

Busca supervivientes en los naufragios y elimina todos los corruptos que puedas. Cuando termines, informa a Aelstrom y Urda en el campamento.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards Prerequisites
Must complete the quest below
Antiguos compañeros (Riscos del Monarca)
Completion needed for the quests below
Lecciones de la vida de un pirata (Riscos del Monarca)
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Search for Survivors at the wreck of the Pride of Crato

Walk towards the wreck until your quest hint changes.

- Destroy the 4 Corrupted Growths to help Grace O'Malley

After you have done so:

- Follow Grace O'Malley to a Safe Location

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