La deconstrucción de un plan

Side Story

Destruye las reliquias retorcidas de los antiguos en Nieblagua. Luego, informa al dirigente Onizuka en el asentamiento de Aguas Fétidas.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
4,310 XP 157.50 Coin 800 Territory Standing 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Palabras de poder
Completion needed for the quests below
La reina ha muerto (élite)
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Amazing User

There are at least 7. maybe more


Did this tonight (11/13/2021), and there were plenty of Relics. I got my 6 and found 3 more while looking for chest for a faction quest.

poo eater

might only be 3 interactables so you gotta wait for them to respawn for all 6

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