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Side Story Suggested Level 30

Aunque teme por su reputación, Aethelwynn sigue queriendo comprobar si hay algún tesoro en la vieja catedral y la aldea de al lado. Investiga estas ubicaciones y regresa con Aethelwynn.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
3,750 XP 75.00 Coin 37 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Perdido y encontrado
Completion needed for the quests below
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Noah Meeker

I was stuck on this quest for a while, it's a readable book on a second floor of one of the houses next to a lamp! The house is right next to the graveyard, and it has three barrels on the porch.


is this quest fixed ? need it for the achievment ( Suffering of the Lost ) , cant get this without the quest line....


i abandoned this quest cause it wasnt completing at the part that you gotta read the tombstones , now its gone and i cant complete the rest of it .

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