Amuleto de armero de metal estelar

Rare Resource

Objeto de artesanía con afinidad con la ventaja Movimiento renovador. Se puede usar al fabricar armas.

0.1 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Type: Modificadores de fabricación
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FabilichuS “Witchers - Fabil EU2” Aquaman

Got 2 from arcana aptitude chest, got 3 from small chest in mournindale over 2 runs. Also drops in Armoring aptitude chests.


I got 2 in one Arcana chest . At the time I didn't even know I could get them from there.


@Khrlsmax Try your luck in Ebonscale, me ussualy got this charm in 2 first small chest at Imperial palace & bridge before Erlander.. Air shrine also best place for me. If you have 200lvl Arcana try raising it to next level aptitude , it may give you mutiple of this weaponsmith charm:)


3 days farming this in Morningdale, 0 drop. Do someone has ever been dropped this craft mod?

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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