Amuleto de manopla de vacío de acero

Uncommon Resource

Objeto de artesanía con afinidad con la ventaja Filo voraz potenciado. Se puede usar al fabricar armaduras y manoplas de vacío.

0.1 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Type: Modificadores de fabricación
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This item can be used on Armor despite not being able to be rolled via Perk Bucket on armors.

I just successfully made an Orichalcum Heavy Breastplate (<>) using a Steel Void Gauntlet charm for a guild mate (<>) that guaranteed Voracious Blade (<>).

Even though the Void Gauntlet perks don't appear in perk buckets for the items, they can be used.


Just got it in EF

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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