Name | Level | Family | Zones | |
![]() | 64 | Lost | ||
![]() | 70 | Lost | ||
![]() | 64 | Lost |
I confirm this still drops, I finally got it from The Siren's Fury on the wall near the door.
If nobody is in the zone, you can reset him quickly by logging out a bit over 1 minute.
No luck except the PVP flag.
0.5% Chance per kill. The table is affected by luck. However, since mount attachments are higher up and the table is OR not AND the drop rate remains the same. Increasing luck only increase the drop rate for mount attachments.
I have been farming for 8 hours for 3 days, full luck set weapons and trophy 3x major + food + music I have never seen such a broken system before thank you NW
Is this item still obtainable?
Why did they get rid of this item?
0,5% drop rate unaffected by luck since it's in the middle of a loot table and the only quick way to farm it that hasn't been removed requires you to be alone in the area. The area including the siren arena where everyone level boosts...
whole 2 weeks and no drop... Until now. Farming only the fury
i really dont think the speed, charge rate, etc perks even do that much.. i feel like there is such a small minute difference between the actual results and benefits u get from the charms (only talking about mount speed, as a total. like how long it takes to get from A to B, and what difference do the different speed and recharge perks make) there is barely a difference between useing none and the top tier one. and absolutly no noticable difference between the purple and legendary one. actually so many other things seem to influence your speed while riding around.. most of them "luck", rubberbanding, desync, lag etc.. which is prolly also why we dont have any mount racing, against others.. cuz u would see how most riding perks and effects are mostly just visual effects.. u feel like u are faster, but your mount doesnt really get from A to B faster then someone useing no charms etc
2 or so weeks and no drop, maybe one day
Looks like they fixed the respawn timer of fury and brute without adjusting the loot tables. Are you just supposed to have to farm this for tens of hours?
Nothing after 15 hours of doing Brute AND Fury...
Edit: Got it after around 20
got after 4th try, no luck at all (only 590 gs bags)
if you are choosing between this and magis for mount capacity, magis is MUCH more worth your time imo
Dropped from Siren's Fury (the easy mob on the gate) after 1 hour roughly. Luck on bags and basic trophies, nothing else.
I timed the difference of having ZERO recharge rate, versus having this, and it's 11 seconds down to 7 seconds for a full 0-100 recharge.
its been like 3 days and no drop. The one drops from myrkgard dropped much faster. Brute is very fast to farm. I can easily say that I killed at least 500 brute + other mob but no drops. I think there is a bug.
Was farming deepriver ring and this dropped from siren’s fury after 30 mins
I'm at 6 hours, nothing. Loot trophies, luck gear/food. People in the raid who have been at it longer than me. It's a slog. If it weren't for all the people linking it in chat I'd assume it didn't exist XD
Over 200 kills still no drop yet ! Will come back with luck food and see if that helps !
Edit: 500 kills still no drop
Edit 2: It's real..
it's meh def not worth all the time I put into it.
Dropped after a while, used luck food
Took forever but eventually dropped from The Siren's Fury (the mob you kill to spawn the Siren's Brute). 3 basic luck trophies but otherwise no luck on gear or food.
It dropped after farming it for around an hour from the brute, I was using luck food too if it means anything.
For those farming the door Elite one, the one enemy up in the door (that we kill to summon the boss) drops too, so don't forge to keep hitting it too and checking for yellow bags if he drops
I tried full luck gear and trophies, 200+ kills on fury 50+ on brute, no drop, I eventually got it without any luck gear on me, pvp flagged, after 300+ kills from fury, I also used the solo quit to main menu and reconnecting ater 1 min 20 seconds, fury respawn time is ~ 1 min 15 seconds.