Name Rarity Tier Requirements Restos de armadura imbuidos Epic V Tier V500+ GS Fragmento de armadura imbuido Legendary V Tier V675+ GS Restos de armadura imbuidos Epic V Tier VUncommon500+ GS Fragmento de armadura imbuido Legendary V Tier VUncommon675+ GS Restos de armadura imbuidos Epic V Tier VRare500+ GS Fragmento de armadura imbuido Legendary V Tier VRare675+ GS Restos de armadura imbuidos Epic V Tier VEpic500+ GS Fragmento de armadura imbuido Legendary V Tier VEpic675+ GS Restos de armadura imbuidos Epic V Tier VLegendary500+ GS Fragmento de armadura imbuido Legendary V Tier VLegendary675+ GS
Got these from an Unhallowed Acolyte in Mangle Pox Gate. (The guys with the staffs). I can't confirm all the enemies but this says it doesn't just come from Elite chests but is really rare.