We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.
still looking for this if any of you have found it since console release
anyone know how to get it pls reply
Is it available in the new update? Anyone know if you can get it still? I saw in the transmog screen it's called "Shipwrecked light chestwear" but can't find any info on it.
Confirmed the method listed below in the previous comments worked for me. Thanks for the testing and help!
Start new character
Get to a town and stow the tattered clothes in storage.
Restart game, put on ground, pickup, equip.
Note: This might not be available in October when the new starting class system starts you off with gear, so it might be wise to collect the transmogs while they're still available!
As Kidahora said you need to create a new character and finish the tutorial. For me, dropping it and picking it up did not work. I made it to the MB town and put the shirt in storage, closed the game, logged back in, dropped the shirt on the ground and picked it up and then it added the skin to my Stylemancer
I've figured it out, and it starts creating a new character.
After doing the tutorial you have to drop the shirt on the floor and then get it. Once you do it you'll see that the shirt was added.
I already threw it away. How do I get it now
you start your charakter with this shirt
Same question -_-
How to get it for transmog?
how can we get this now?