Espaldar vengador

Legendary • Named Heavy Footwear Tier V
Item Gear Score
237.8 Armor Rating - Elemental 356.7 Armor Rating - Physical

«Cadenas gruesas y chatarra cuya forma fue trazada por el caos».

Bind On Pickup Named Item Tier V 4.7 Weight 750 Durability
Gives 3.00
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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С каких мобов большой шанс дропа ?


Они вообще ещё падают? Около 100часов уже потратил на их поиски и нечего

brrr [Edited]

S5 UPDATE: it can definitely still drop! We had someone get it today, 2024-04-27.

UPDATE 2: it can drop! Moon successfully got their transmog boots from this farm.

UPDATE: working through ideas with others that question whether this is how loot systems work. also I had to divide all the numbers by 10 because I forgot about something, oops.

Did a deep dive on this drop for someone in the NWDB discord and will write it up here:

These boots only drop from the Pilgrim's Passage PoI in Great Cleave, and only from two enemies in that zone -
an "Unhallowed Impaler" (lvl 50) -
and an "Unhallowed Spearman" (lvl 50) -
These are the only two enemies in the zone with the 'Elite' loot tag.

Using the assumptions talked about in the next section, I'd put the chance of dropping these boots at 1/2450 (0.041%).


With our understanding of how the loot biasing system works, you can (maybe) increase your chances by removing your armour.

Annoyingly, I ran this data initially under an assumption that isn't true - that loot biasing can remove named items from loot buckets.
With that not being the case (according to AGS), we have three named items (one of which we want) that will always show up whenever we get a hit on the correct loot bucket, and then one additional item per piece of armour we have equipped on our character if loot biasing takes effect (80% of the time(?)) - all 18 total pieces of armour will appear the other 20% of the time.

As a result, by removing all armour, you can increase your drop chance to 1/980 (0.102%).

Weapons and Jewellery can be equipped as normal and should have no effect.

Luck should also have no impact on looking for these boots.

Both enemies only drop loot 10% of the time.
For anyone interested in looking at the numbers themselves, per bag, I have you getting a chance to roll on the correct loot bucket exactly every 147/4000 times, or 3.68%, and then on the table you will have a 1/9 under normal circumstances down to 1/3.6 (~27%) with all armour removed. Look at the EliteArmor loot bucket in the CreatureLootEliteGear loot table for this. Tags applying on these kills that matter are Elite, Corrupted, MangledHeights, and whichever of the Content Level tags applies here.

Archer Browning

Has anyone received this drop yet I'm still farming.

samow4r [Edited]

Are we sure these only drop from the mobs listed? Because people here in the comments talk about killing crawlers. I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

Hunting for the transmog btw

EDIT: Okay, I'll asume the info is accurate. That means they not only removed one of the items with this transmog (vengeful smith's shoes), they also removed Avenging Pauldrons from Unhallowed Infestation's loot pool, making getting that transmog effectively impossible. There are only 3 mobs in the zone dropping those boots, and since they aren't elite enemies or bosses they don't even drop a loot bag 9/10 times.


logre conseguirlo después de 8hs de juego.
si vas a hacerlo SOLO, te recomiendo ir de dps con arco y estoque (pero hay un truco) el estoque tiene que tener una habilidad precisa que es RAFAJA DRENADORA y mas de 3 plagas impías tienen que atacarte encontraras la forma luego y será mas entretenido buscarlo.
obviamente tienes que tener los 3 trofeos de suerte mayor en casa además de eso yo use un arco que tenia suerte.

BRAD [Edited]

Probably one of the most frustrating Farms in the entire game. I farmed these Boots for 40+ hours before getting them, solely killing the crawlers. Getting a named drop in the first place seems to be extremely rare, but these boots in particular seem to have the lowest dropchance out of all the named items that drop in the area. Consider yourself lucky if you manage to get these as most people will most likely give up before ever getting the drop.

Shuk-ka Ha-Tee [Edited]

I still farming till nowadays and got 5 pieces of fearless spy's boots, 5-6 ashen curse. that Avenging pauldron's is very hard to drop. maybe have to more luck or sharing luck with friends. Idk just my guess. but nwm. just think come to farm orichalcum vein xD

Updated: Confirm Drops from Crawlers around mangled pox gate.16/08/23


I've probably farmed another 10-15 hours over the last few days. more ashen curse, more light boots and another medium boot. Supposedly some random person got the drop just passing through while I was farming the whole time. This ranks right up there with weaponsmith pants.


I've seen bloodfeud and ashen curse multiple times. I've gotten the light boots x3, and medium boots once. No drop for the heavy boots yet for me yet. I've also gotten the war kilt to drop 2x now, but not the light pants. Still a really low drop rate, but I guess if you have enough time and love smashing your face into a wall you'll probably maybe eventually get these.

Shuk-ka Ha-Tee

still no drop even 5-days farming around mangled fox.

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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