Sombrero de chef

Epic • Named Light Headwear Tier V
Item Gear Score

Ropa que suelen llevar los chefs mientras trabajan en sus cocinas.

Bind On Equip Named Item Tier V 0.4 Weight 750 Durability
Can be crafted Can be crafted
Gives 3.00
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Armor Set
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ropebunnyxoxo_33544 [Edited]

I went for 3 hours including leaving for daily dungeons. got the drop. It's really discouraging that sometimes you get no bags.

jeffwuch [Edited]

On my second day of farming. Ive killed Skysong Maiden Ping so many times that Ive forgotten why I’m even here on occasion. It has become what the game is. Respawn is so fast that you dont really want to go do anything else. Maybe 200+ kills? 6 legendary mats and on my 3rd set of all the weps/armor. This has been rough. 30% luck on gear and 3 luck trophys going.

When I’m old and grey I’ll still know the names of every item that drops besides the chef hat.

I’ve decided to give up ping pong as a hobby.

I’m worried I may yell at the first asian I see in public.

Oh, thank god. The server crashed and is now offline for maintenance. I’m going to go look at the horizon and question life.

John M

Just an awful farm. Took well over 3 hours in luck gear. Have to fight mobs over and over. Drops poo besides hat and nothing you can farm mats wise while waiting.


Still Dropping

Michael Park

2 minute spawn in Skysong Temple. I got lucky and got the Chef Hat after 3 kills, wooo!


killed her for 30mins and got 2


Dropped the Chef's Hat after my third kill, had no luck. Can confirm she still drops it.

Willow Gale

dropped after about an hour of farming. had about 13% luck

New World Farmer

Dropped for me from Maiden Ping after 5 kills


Does this mob still drop the chef hat? I killed it 200 times and it hasn't dropped it yet.


Just dropped a Chef Hat GS 593 at Lazarus dungeon. anyone knows anything about it being over 500?

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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