Got it from elite chest in helio had spear on hand with mostly specced to dex dont know if it makes a difference
You can get this drop from the following elite boss enemies with a 6 minutes respwan time:
Inside Helipolis:
Neitquzah of the Shadow & Kindred Shuh-Maahebgal, those two cats are at the same spot and kinda easy to kill.
With a group you can farm the other elite boss enemies around aswell:
Batheqet the Cudgel, Mountain Colossus Sakhr'geb, Montukahl of the Shield, Risen Storm Tefkhonsunut, Thunder Antaeus Atumnem, Anhurawak the Proud, Harmonious Nebet Duhetshara,
Inside Castrum Principium:
Monstrous Polyphemus
Godling Jupiterion
Oracle of Crassus (there are for sure two in the area + random spwan points)
Other elite boss enemies (not worth farming):
Queen Ta-Bitjet
Scorpio Supernal (only spwans at the beginning of the night)
Rafflebones (High Level) (multiple random locations across Brimstone Sands)
Dan's Chariot Khepri (only spwans at the beginning of the night)
Took me 18 hours of pure farming to get this...
Got it after killing named bosses in Helio for 30 minutes. It's all luck boys.
maybe its bugged? do you know anyone have it ? 12+ hours all keratin but no spear
Over 3+ hour, every keratin gear. Almost 3x at least, only spear not drop
anyone know which mob the easiest to farm this weapon at HELIO?
AGS does not like me. 12 hours of farming in Helio. Got every other keratin gear more than twice :'(
just farm the two cats with a trenchant recovery GS and a spear in helio (try to aggro one at a time) until the WT's come around and then run helio, khepri, cast, and beds you will get it in a couple hours. I got mine from queen ta-bitjet in beds.