Zona de pesca apartada del remero (#84)

Fishing, Level 120

Gatherable - Zona de pesca apartada del remero (#84)

Gather time: 40s Respawns in 25m - 40m
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sakke simonen [Edited]

You only need fishing reach II on pants and moon/sun's reach III on ironwood fishing pole with base 20m, also lvl200 fishing. Then you go as close to the spot as possible without drowning. You need 30m cast distance total.

水君先森 [Edited]

@restlesstornado_1 i spend half an hour on it and i'm sure that we can't reach this hotspot even with max cast distance


You literally cant even reach this hotspot with max cast distance its like 60+ away from a spot on the shore you can stand.

No more comments ^^

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