Ranisapo grande

Rare Resource Tier IV
Weight (lb): 3-6 Size (in): 15-22 Awards 200 XP for Fishing Skill

Un ranisapo grande. Esta captura se puede cocinar entera o se puede convertir en colas de ranisapo, un ingrediente alquímico.

Tier IV 1.0 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Viandas crudas, Peces, Viandas crudas de clase 4, Ranisapo Derived from Fishing - Saltwater (Monarch's Bluffs, Windsward, Everfall, Cutlass Keys, Weaver's Fen, Reekwater, Elysian Wilds)
Crafting material Used as crafting material
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trash fish, avoid

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