6 minute respawn
Does he drop a lot of Juilian purple gear?
He dropped the hammer for me yesterday you can tent infront of him just a lil north of the bridge in the dirt If your in light armor its very doable just take it slow He probably killed me 10+ times before i got my first kill on him took 2 to get the hammer though
If i had my choice of fighting mobs like him or leviathan style brutes ill fight the cyclops everytime his attacks are alot easier for me to read and his double fist stun is less accurate
He doesnt do that bull 🤬 leviathan does with the same double fist smash where he can literally 180 and still hit you
I will agree his drops arent impressive but the hammer is nice till i get gavel of the gates ill make do with breaker
If you try to range him hel slap you with a 30 meter super man punch he does have an enrage mechanic that seems to kick in at 45%
If your on Camelot look me up Luciferior is my toon name ill help if ya want
Not worth the time or trouble unless you want to test your skill on him. Loot drop is blah for such a strong dude.
Boss level monster, not just a regular 66 mob.
can farming 3 people but you should need tank.
No need healer.