The Best Ways to Get Umbral Shards

Lets explore the best ways to get the newly added Umbral Shards.

Article is pending a remake to account for changes. Some of the information below is not accurate.

The latest New World patch introduced new endgame mechanics allowing players to increase their gear score to a newly raised cap of 625 (up from 600). While you still can't craft or drop any gear over 600 gear score, you can upgrade 600 gear score items past this limit with the freshly added Fragmento umbrío vacío.

This mechanic also allows Upgrading Items to Legendary with Umbral Shards.

Umbral Shards can be obtain from completing the new Mutated Expeditions, as well as through endgame crafting and Gypsum Casts. The amount of Umbral Shards needed to upgrade an items increases exponentially as you upgrade it toward 625, meaning it is extremely easy to upgrade items up to around 610 gear score, but very difficult to get all the way to 625.

Umbral Shards Required to Upgrade Item

Current Gearscore Shards to Upgrade
590 2
591 4
592 6
593 10
594 20
595 35
596 50
597 65
598 90
599 125
600 1
601 2
602 3
603 4
604 5
605 6
606 8
607 10
608 15
609 20
610 25
611 35
612 50
613 65
614 90
615 125
616 175
617 250
618 325
619 450
620 700
621 1,000
622 1,400
623 1,900
624 2,500

As you can see, you need more shards to upgrade an item from 624 → 625 than to upgrade an item from 600 → 619. That's quite the scaling!

I mentioned before that Mutated Expeditions are by far the best way to obtain Umbral Shards. Mutations range from level 1 to level 10, with each level progressively scaling in difficulty. Rewards increase with mutation level. In addition, your group is graded bronze, silver, or gold based on performance. Higher grades are also a way to increase your Fragmento umbrío vacío reward. Your grade is based on several factors such as dungeon clear time, enemies killed, and most importantly respawn/wipe count. Wiping will not only significantly reduce your score, but also cause you to spend more time in the dungeon reducing your score even more.

Umbral Shard Rewards

Lets take a look at how to get the shards.

Mutated Expeditions

The rewards scale in a similarly exponential manner as Umbral Shard costs on items. Only completing up to level 4 or 5 expeditions will make it nearly impossible to upgrade gear past around 620. Completing tier 9 and 10 expeditions give huge payouts that will let you instantly upgrade entire gear loadouts and let you max out your items at 625.

Mutation Level Bronze Silver Gold
1 27 33 40
2 40 50 60
3 53 67 80
4 80 100 120
5 133 167 200
6 533 667 800
7 1,000 1,250 1,500
8 1,333 1,667 2,000
9 2,677 3,333 4,000
10 4,000 5,000 6,000

Gypsum Casts

Once you have 600 expertise, Gypsum Casts stop giving expertise bumps and instead award Umbral Shards. They give Umbral Shards based on the expertise of the item you are opening, so you want to open casts that correspond with your highest expertise items.

Expertise Level Shards Reward
600 100
601 112
602 124
603 136
604 148
605 160
606 172
607 184
608 196
609 208
610 220
611 232
612 244
613 256
614 268
615 280
616 292
617 304
618 316
619 328
620 340
621 352
622 364
623 376
624 388
625 400

The Umbral shard rewards at 620+ totally dwarf the rewards at 600-610. For this reason, you should only open casts for your highest expertise gear slots. If you don't gather a lot of gypsum every day, it might be a good idea to save the casts for when you have higher level expertise in one of your gear slots.

600 Gear Score Crafting

This method of obtaining Umbral Shards is practically irrelevant, but it does exist. Whenever you craft a 600 gear score item, you receive an expertise bump up until 600 expertise. Once you reach 600 expertise, it begins giving out Fragmento umbrío vacío rewards based on that slot's expertise level. Considering how much it costs to craft any 600 gear score item, and the very low reward values associated with this method, you can pretty much ignore this as a source of shards.

Expertise Level Shards Reward
600 25
601 28
602 31
603 34
604 37
605 40
606 43
607 46
608 49
609 52
610 55
611 58
612 61
613 64
614 67
615 70
616 73
617 76
618 79
619 82
620 85
621 88
622 91
623 94
624 97
625 100

Truly low reward values.


To summarize, the best way of upgrading your gear with Umbral Shards is, full stop, Mutated Expeditions. If you can complete the highest levels, the amount of Umbral Shards you receive will make upgrading your gear pretty easy, all things considered.

If you end up stuck on lower levels, you will end up soft-capped to whatever gear score corresponds with that level of rewards. For this reason, smart, effective play will absolutely trump brute force grindy play on easy content. Gypsum Casts serve as a decent bonus, but won't provide meaningful progress toward a full 625 set of gear. Because of this, and the newly buffed expedition rewards (on top of umbral shards,) expeditions will be more rewarding than ever! Craft those Creature Bane weapons and Creature Ward armor sets, because squeaking out every possible advantage for maximum exponential rewards is well worth it.

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Xyo Admin [Edited] Pinned

This article is being reworked due to changes that made it sort of irrelevant. Added a disclaimer at the top of the article in the meanwhile.

Wulfsige Aston

Please update this. This was such a helpful source! btw thank you so much for this site

Oliver R

Update this or remove it's entirety plz, maybe 10% of this information is actually current.


Gypsum cast Umbral rewards are outdated, please update.

Xyo Admin

@dominis updated, thank you.


Upgrading an item to 621 requires 700 not 900 shards.



Cap is increased to 600 in the next version of the game.
You can get to 600 by the known ways plus newly added 600 crafts.

Found items and crafted ones will still be capped at 600. You will then start to upgrade your equipment by said umbral shards. The upgrade also bumps your expertise to this new level. So the first three shards you get can be used to upgrade three items and expertise to 601 or one to 602.

The sources of umbral shards are listed in this post. Mutated dungeons, crafts and gypsum casts. Once you upgrade items they will be bound on you.


that is not good

Amazing User

If we are lucky AGS will come to their senses and not raise the gears score. Otherwise the player population will plummet even further.

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