How to Get The Orichalcum-Braced Storage Chest Schematic

Lets have a look at how to get the Orichalcum-Braced Storage Chest Schematic and how to increase your drop chance for it.

If you're looking to craft Cofre de almacenamiento de acero dorado, you will first need Diagrama: Cofre de almacenamiento de acero dorado, which is one of the rarest items in the game. It drops from Elite Ancient Chests and Elite Supply Chests in level 50+ zones / points of interests, and the drop rate is extremely low.

Note: After the update on 16th December 2021, the schematic will also drop from Package of Specialized Furnishing Materials. The drop rate from is around 0.165%. When opening the box, you have a 25% chance to get 1-2 items (so 1.5 on average) out of a pool of 227 different schematics.

Drop Rate

According the the internal game data, without any luck, the drop rate is around 0.00023% and it is not influenced by luck.

While we don't know for sure if luck affects the loot tables involved in dropping this item, if we assume it does, a theoretical drop chance would be around 0.0195% (around 85x higher) with around 43% luck. That luck would come from 9x Perla impecable, 3x Trofeo de suerte con botín mayor and 12x Fortuna perks.

Get Double Drop Rate

One thing we know for sure though, is that the loot table (loot bucket would be the technical term for this specific one) that contains the schematic, contains a total of 22 items, all with an equal chance - if you get lucky enough to reach the loot bucket, you will get one item at random.

Out of the 22 items, 11 can only drop in Ebonscale Reach. This is important because, it effectively gives you a 2x higher drop chance for Diagrama: Cofre de almacenamiento de acero dorado if you farm chests in level 50+ zones outside Ebonscale Reach, since half of the items from the loot bucket won't be eligible to drop.

Loot Table

Below you can find a table with the items dropped from that loot bucket, and their zone restrictions.

Ending Note

All the guides I have written so far are short and focused on specific parts of the game, or of a system. While some people generally need a more step-by-step guide, I feel like it's often important to focus on the small bits, such as those mentioned in this article. I would love to hear your feedback on this kind of mini-guides in the comments below, or using the feedback button on the site!

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Iregosha [Edited]

Alright so on Nw-buddy you can go through game files and loot tables/buckets.

From Elite chests only, to get this item, you need to hit a 15% chance to hit the ContainerFurnitureRoll, and then a .05% chance to hit the ContainerFunitureElite table, and then there are 81 things on that table. The author makes a good point, if you're going for this pattern, elite chests in Brimstone and Ebonscale have a mucher lower chance because of the additional things they add to the table.

Though, alot of those things are worth more than this schematic, like the Golden fish bowl.

Both of these tables/buckets are labeled ClampMax, meaning luck has very little effect on the outcome. Max~ luck at 63% increases your chance of hitting the ContainerFurnitureElite bucket from .05% to .053%~.

Also note, just as trophy materials don't drop from elite chests, this does not drop from supply crates.

May the RNG be in your favor, because you certainly need it.


@The Tiny Dragon, the schematics/furnishing things above in the list have a dropchance/lootchance with around 1/460k .. you definitly need luck gear to even be able to unlock this loot pool, but then its still an incredible low-zero chance to get one ^^

The Tiny Dragon

Okay so something that I am confused - bordering on frustrated on.

Should I be wearing luck gear when trying to get schematics & furnishing items? Because currently when I put luck gear on, if I ever get schematics they are always maple - and I never get furnishing items.

J Gibbs

Curious.... why is the headline .... How to Get The Orichalcum-Braced Storage Chest Schematic .... when what you're talking about is the Golden Steel Storage Chest, and Schematic: Golden Steel Storage Chest?


brimestone changes?


Hey, curious to know if these tables have been updated since it was first published?

Amazing User

a guy wrote in global chat he found the blue print in a normal supply chest in shattered mountain. he even linked it. maybe he is trolling but who knows

Amazing User

It drops in any 50+ zone, out of the 21 other drops that could appear alongside this schematic, 11 solely drop in Ebonscale. To increase your chance of rolling this schematic don't go to Ebonscale as it waters your chance down from 1/11 to 1/22


Just to clarify , do you mean to f ind this schematic in Ebonscale Reach territory or Any territory which is 50+ for best chance? Sorry i dont understand

sudo [Edited]

Do we know if this data has been changed at all since 1.1? The day after the patch, someone on Celadon got the schematic in Ebon, which is such an astronomically small chance per these numbers that I'm still in shock, lol. But I've seen a couple mentions of others getting it in Ebon on reddit and even suggestions that the loot table might have been modified in a way that made Ebon the likelier/only place to get it so I'm hoping for some confirmation/guidance on whether any of the info on this has been tweaked in the current build. Been trying to parse the extracted .json data but struggling a bit.

Okay, that loot table has been tweaked a little but not directly impacting the Ori Chest schematic. The Green Grass Rug was added to the non-Ebon-exclusive pool, which means that you now have a 1 in 12 chance of getting the Schematic instead of a 1 in 11 when hitting the Elite Furniture pool (assuming you're outside Ebon). If you're in Ebon, the pool expands to 23 items (11 are still Ebon exclusive). So your best bet for the chest is still non-Ebon chests, but Ebon does have a reduced chance to grant it if you've already hit Mines, Myrk, and Reek, and want to maximize your chances.


@Xyo On my server furnishing items are like fine art, lol. This is insane in my situation.

Xyo Admin

@WeHeartGaming not really an useful item, but definitely a rare one haha. If you like it you like it.


No lie...I just paid 50g for the Scroll Case schematic. My heart is dead right now. Server Valgrind, name Witch Doctor Dag

Xyo Admin

@seePyou most of the data is coming straight out of the game - we couldn't really be able to crowd source the whole database haha, that would be time consuming and prone to lots of inconsistencies.


How do you get that info? It's cannot be crowd sourced, based on experience. Is this talking with devs? Looking inside the code?


Hey there !

Would love a small precise article like this one but on artefacts drops to craft basic and major trophies. It would be great to reunite all the data and information found on these drops.

Like I’m wondering if they are all in the same loot table and if you can actually find the artefacts for the basic trophies in the same chests as the ones for Major trophies (55+).

If I understood well these (for Major) are only in large supply stockpiles and large ancient chests in 55+ regions. But do we have more information available ?


Based on VariationData/Gatherable_LootContainers, the only chests that can access the ChestLootElite table which this schematic is on are:
- ChestEliteAncientT2
- ChestEliteAncientT3
- ChestEliteAncientT4
- ChestEliteAncientT5
- ChestEliteT2
- ChestEliteT3
- ChestEliteT4
- ChestEliteT5
- DG_Reekwater_Chest

T2, T3, T4 do not meet the level requirement for POIs to roll this schematic, which seems to make it quite clear that ONLY 23 hour CD Elite Chests can roll the schematic in the world as no other chests have access to the ChestLootElite table.

Of note, DG_Reekwater_Chest can also roll this. I'm not sure how many of these are in Lazarus, but it shares a visual file with ChestEliteAncientT2 with the specific excerpt

"Visual_Chest": "slices/POIs/LootContainers/Ancient_ELITE_T2_Chest.dynamicslice",

I have no idea what this actually looks like. There might only be 1 in Lazarus, there might be 3, there might be 12.

Xyo Admin

@Арете that Supply Stockpile is actually disabled, I've renamed it recently to prevent confusion.


Hi, i have question.
Only ELITE chest drop that rec, but i searh here and find:
Supply Stockpile can drop it to? Or its is old data?

Another question, you say about 12x Luck perks.
What is these items? On that ring work two perk?
And if i wear 2 weapon's + luck, its work when i loot chest? Or only work when i kill someone?

Thanks for your post, great info!

Fluff [Edited]

All of the tables that nest this LootBucket are LuckSafe (see my comment on so sources of Luck won't help.

2 of these tables implicate the "GlobalMod" (Luck) variable while also stating LuckSafe: True, and it is unclear whether these nullify. However, this ultimately doesn't matter as these are ChestLootElite and ChestLootEliteItemRoll which are both "AND" (inclusive) tables with a minimum roll to progress of 0, so rolling at all regardless of Luck will always progress.

Also, it is never mentioned in this post what chests to farm to receive this Schematic, and this is a bit problematic. As far as I am aware, the only chests which can implicate ChestLootElite are chests which cannot be farmed, as they have a 23 hour cooldown.

To explain this, we can extrapolate from the loot tables that ChestLootElite is not:
- ContainerLootCookingSmall (Small Provisions)
- ContainerLootCookingLarge (Large Provisions)
- ContainerLootAlchemySmall (Small Alchemy)
- ContainerLootAlchemyLarge (Large Alchemy)
- ContainerAncientLootSmall (Small Ancient)
- ContainerLootSmall (Small Supply)
- ContainerLootLarge (Large Ancient and Large Supply)

Which seems to suggest that ChestLootElite, the ultimate parent table of the schematic, is referring exclusively to Elite Chests.

If anyone has conflicting info on this topic or a correction, please feel free to elaborate or call me out. I am simply browsing datasheets as a hobbyist and there are at least a few assumptions being made here, since I have no definitive way to tie a specific chest in the world to a loot table.

No more comments ^^