Los planes de los pestilentes

Main Story Suggested Level 21

Adiana Theron sospecha que los corruptos de la armería de Roquébano buscan algo. Reduce su número y determina por qué están allí.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
4,000 XP 239.00 Coin 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
La debilidad del ego
Completion needed for the quests below
Un catalizador viviente
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Adiana Theron sends you this time towards Ebonrock Armory to scout the source of the incursion.

Ony your way, pick up an other side quest (Salting the Earth) from Tekla Petrowski.

Defeat 10 Corrupted Forces
Investigate the Bonfire.
(Read Ebony Rocks.)
Ivestigate the Command Tent.
(Defeat Armorer Aldritch.)
Investigate the Feasting Hall.
(Read Incursion Notes.)

Poison the soil of Ebonrock Armory.
Investigate the Cavern. (Defeat Overseer Zane, Event Corrupting of Nature.
Rescue Anthurus.
Escape the Cavern.

Before you head back, poison the soil of Ebonrock Quarry.

Head back to Tekla Petrowski and turn in her side quest, pick up the following side quest Tekla's Tragedy.
Now go to
Adiana Theron.

Don't teleport back! Do the quest My Kingdom for a Horse (be Lvl 25) and get your first mount!
It will lead you close to Yonas Alazar.

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