La piedra vetusta recuerda

Main Story Suggested Level 17

Con la desesperación de encontrar una forma de acallar la cruel voz en tu cabeza, presta atención a las divagaciones del viejo ermitaño Yonas y busca la sabiduría de las esculturas de piedra antiguas.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
3,000 XP 70.50 Coin 100 Azoth
Prerequisites Unlocks
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Yonas Alazar sends you into the Chason Steep to find clues about his past.
Slash through the vines until you find the mentioned stones.

You can walk a little bit and explore the Khalladan Gate Fast Travel Shrine.

You don't need to hit all vines, just run up the stairs and hit the last one underneath the stone gate.
Read the inscription: Memory of the Steadfast.

Keep walking up the stairs and do the same for find the next carving.
Again, you only need to destroy the last one to find the inscription: Memory of the Vigilant.

Make your way towards the Howltower Hollow Cave and talk to the old man in front of it.
He will send you into the cave to retrieve the Abandoned Armor Scraps.
Report youf findings to the old man in front of the cave.

After this, continue your search for writings in the ruins of Alioth.
Same here, last vine coveres the inscription: Memory of Service.

Ascend to the Upper Section of the Ruins of Alioth.
Destroy vines for the last time, to find the final inscription: Memory of Sacrifice.
Click on the link to see the exact location, again: its enough to only destroy this vine.

At last, turn in the quest at Yonas Alazar.

Don't get baited by the shiny main quest symbol shown in Prydwen City/Monarch's Bluffs. It is the main story quest for this area.
Make your way towards
Everfall: over all main story quest, you can pick your faction there and Mount Quest My Kingdom for a Horse (Lv 25).

If you somehow need to reset the quest, do it while standing right next to Yonas Alazar, where you picked it up.
Otherwise it wont work

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