Derrota al alquimista Krockes y absorbe su alma con el absorbedor psicoquinético. Después, entrégasela a Cleo Elsayad para obtener el rango de alquimista. Cuando termines esta tarea, habla con Cleo Elsayad en el enclave del Sindicato.
4,310 XP
157.50 Coin
100 Azoth Requires Syndicate - Cabalist, Rep. 49,000
ORRequires Level 56 Requires Syndicate - Cabalist, Rep. 49,000
Step 1, Reekwarter - Mosswater Bourg (LVL 59)
Place the Psychokinetic Absorber
Defeat Lost Alchemist Krockes
Collect the Psychokinetic Absorber
The place is on the ground in the middle of the big road leading through Bourg (marked by the typical blue quest light).
If you place it, it acually says "place Trace Absorber" instead of Psychokinetic Absorber.
Alchemist Krocks and his tiny pet Allegator Putris is right next to the placing spot. He is one of the coffin dudes.
Step 2, Reekwarter - Fisher's Glory (LVL 59)
Destroy the Psychokinetic Absorber with the aid of the Dryads
The place to destroy the absorber is belowe the platform where the quest marker leads you.
Be aware of the tentacles! Walk in from the south if you have problems, there are none.
Step 3, Reekwarter - Mosswater Bourg (LVL 59)
Collect the Psychokinetic Absorber
It is where you placed it in the first hand.