Archidiácono Azamela (expedición)

Side Story Suggested Level 46

Hazte con la cabeza del archidiácono Azamela en Las Profundidades por encargo del magistrado Gurkin

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
12,500 XP 133.00 Coin 800 Territory Standing 50 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
La caída de Fuerte Condenación
Prerequisites - Additional
Requires Level 43 Must complete the following quest
La amenaza mayor
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Hey @Xianith you have to walk into the instance and go through the water fall to update the quest. If you get summoned straight to the instance the quest won't update and you won't get credit for completing it when you kill the Archdeacon.


Quest seems to have bugged out twice for me now. I've gotten loot off the boss but no credit towards this quest.

No more comments ^^
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