Haciendo panceta

Side Story Suggested Level 48

Recoge cerdos funéreos en el Campo Hibbots. Luego, ve al cruce de caminos para llevárselos a Harunobu.

NPC - Turn In Rewards
3,190 XP 100.00 Coin 600 Territory Standing 50 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Dominio maligno
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Mourningdale - Hibbotsfield (LVL 50)

Defeat The Skinner - He is at the huge fire, which is at the location of the Hibbotsfield-Icon on the map

Harvest a Thick Steak

Harvest a Tender Cheek

Harvest a Prime Loin


The meat you will get from all the Mourning Pigs roaming the fields. They are easy one hits. If you skin them, they will give you rawhide.

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