A Pierre Auguste le gustaría oír nuevas historias sobre Aetérnum, pero es demasiado asustadizo como para viajar. Escribe una colección de odas sobre los parajes pintorescos que se describen en la guía de Pierre.
1. Step, Mourningdale - South-east of Karaka / North-east of Marsic
There is a quest-point on top of a little hill, marked by a pillar of blue light, you have to interact with. It only appears if you walk closer.
2. Step, Mourningdale - Fomax (LVL 47)
Defeat Tenebrous Guardian. The Guardian is all the way on top of the building.
After you killed the Tenebrous Guardian an other quest-point appears where your enemie stood. Since the interaction takes a while make sure you killed all enemies who could you interrupt.
Step 3, Mourningdale - Haedus (LVL 48)
Defeat Tenebrous Guardian. The Guardian is in the center of the area.
After you killed the Tenebrous Guardian an other quest-point appears where your enemie stood. Since the interaction takes a while make sure you killed all enemies who could you interrupt.
Step 4, Mourningdale - Mourning Bridge (LVL 49)
There is a quest-point in the middle of the bridge.
Watch out for the LVL 49, nnamed enemie, Bridgekeeper, guarding his Ancient Chest.
This quest has mutltiple steps:
1. Step, Mourningdale - South-east of Karaka / North-east of Marsic
There is a quest-point on top of a little hill, marked by a pillar of blue light, you have to interact with. It only appears if you walk closer.
2. Step, Mourningdale - Fomax (LVL 47)
Defeat Tenebrous Guardian. The Guardian is all the way on top of the building.
After you killed the Tenebrous Guardian an other quest-point appears where your enemie stood. Since the interaction takes a while make sure you killed all enemies who could you interrupt.
Step 3, Mourningdale - Haedus (LVL 48)
Defeat Tenebrous Guardian. The Guardian is in the center of the area.
After you killed the Tenebrous Guardian an other quest-point appears where your enemie stood. Since the interaction takes a while make sure you killed all enemies who could you interrupt.
Step 4, Mourningdale - Mourning Bridge (LVL 49)
There is a quest-point in the middle of the bridge.
Watch out for the LVL 49, nnamed enemie, Bridgekeeper, guarding his Ancient Chest.