El final del nuevo Edén

Main Story Suggested Level 65

Morgana nos hace llegar su ruego final: capturar a Artemisa y arrebatarle la Lágrima de Gaia. Con nuestros aliados cubriéndote, asciende por Elafry Pyrgo y combate contra la antigua Artemisa por el destino de la región, de Aetérnum y del mundo.

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Stanislav Vistelius

I can't enter the portal. The prompt to press the E key does not appear.

Kia Optima

This boss is way to OP and need to be nerfed or made Grupe able. It is not possibale to solo her as a non healer/tank specc. Just when you have down the adds you will only have few sec to dps boss, + you need to pop potions all along and keep killing the adds and dps boss and stay out of 🤬 all the time. This is NOT made for a good gaming experince. I have 680GS and can't progress the game until is down and i keep getting killied even tho i do all the above. AMAZON FIX THIS MADNESS.

Dumgui [Edited]

I am at the Trial for this quest and all i get is "group timed out" I tried logging out and scanning file integrity, even canceled the quest and did it over again, same thing. Anyone else getting this?

Update - the entrance notification was bugged. I just had to go into another instance ( I did a 3v3 ) and then it was working after that


what rune do i need to press e with?


Stand Outside The Rune and Press E

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