Name | Rarity | |
![]() | Legendary |
PointModifier: 0
RankingPoints: 0.2
MaxPotentialPoints: 0.2
RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 1
RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 2
I just crafted this and to confirm for anyone who was wondering the same, you cannot place this PLUS another gathering one on the same house (tried adding another major mining one and it counts as the same "type").
@HOPSIN I'm a returning player, I didn't play for a whole year or so until 3 weeks ago, so I don't have those, I'm asking for the ideal "standard" setup per house... 3 ultimate trophies+ 1 major loot luck + what else??? what would be the last one? , also the season pass trophy doesn't take up a spot from your 5 afaik, I had it as my 6th trophy in one of my houses in season 1.
Also, they changed it to BoP (it must've been overnight, it was BoE?/tradable yesterday and now it's BoP and it's funny to see 2 orders in my server from people that crafted it first day and placed it on the market right away and they are still there with their items now showing BoP (that legend wasn't there before), right now you cannot sell it anymore (I tried))
Also after placing it, it bugged the trophies on my other 2 houses, right now they are greyed-out and not showing.
edit: picking em up and re-placing them fixed the bug and now they are showing normally again.
you can add fishing trophy from summer event, turkey trophy and season pass trophy
what's the ideal setup now? 3 ultimate trophies, 1 luck trophy and? what do we do with the fifth spot in our house? would adding another major one add more luck?, let's say you have an ultimate gathering + major mining would that be 3000 luck total? or am I missing something?
Oh my goodness 😳 thank you for correcting me. Holy cow I can't believe I missed that.
Though that doesn't change the rest of what I said.
@The Tiny Dragon
That's incorrect. The Ultimate trophies themselves are not bind on pickup, but the artifact to convert is.
@Mayor R
Yup 😑 they are combining trophies next season, but unless you have a spare:
Oh and the trophies are now bind on pickup and can no longer be shared.
Then I invite you to join the rest of us as we watch the territory owners enjoy their quality of life improvements
Wait what. They're combining trophies next season?
answering my own question from 2 months ago+, I have since gotten all 9 ultimate trophies and just what I feared back then, there's not a 5th optimal trophy whatsoever, you just have awkwardly 1 empty spot showing in 2 of your houses and just the decorative season 2 trophy for 1 of your houses 5th spot (which doesn't do anything after ur lvl 100 in the season pass reward, the only use for it is that it adds +15 to your housing decoration score which is another can of worms I rather not to open right now, since the housing score system is nowhere near working as intended in this game for the longest time aka top scorer aka the house shown to the public is owned by a 1 million points player that quitted the game years ago and had barely any cheap furnishing placed on the house (I went inside and checked it) but he managed to bug the system for years now and retained the 1million point forever it seems cuz amazon hasnt fix this bug for years, making the top score positions unobtainable to reach by any active player today (cuz he's not the only one with absurdly high points that with the best furnishing and everything max comes anywhere near say 1/4 of those kind of points the top scorers have bugged permanently)