Name | Rarity | |
![]() | Legendary |
PointModifier: 0
RankingPoints: 0.2
MaxPotentialPoints: 0.2
RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 1
RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 2
These just need to be 50k faction tokens, it's just a convenience item and for the amount of times we've had housing glitches after patch and Noone can change trophies for different mutations
The "Component: Ultimate Combat Trophy" is at the faction vendor; it doesn't drop from trash, it's something you have to make.
pickup trash XDD
> Не неси хуйни индеец, только свиток пикапный ,сам трофей будет эквипный.
it will be "bind on pickup"
Не неси хуйни индеец, только свиток пикапный ,сам трофей будет эквипный.
carefull guys ! its pick up if u craft this and want sell, can t sell.
should be 6% bonus damage if they want that much money for it