Armario de boticario bajo

Common Housing Item Tier I

Un armario bajo con cajones para que guardes tus tesoros más pesados.

Housing Points (WIP)
PointModifier: 0 RankingPoints: 0.04 MaxPotentialPoints: 0.2 RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 5 RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 10
Tier I 0.6 Weight Max Stack: 5
Can be crafted Can be crafted
Gives 1
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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The Tiny Dragon

A note for this item, it is traversable - meaning you can walk over it, as such you can make a staircase out of these. I'm in the process of making one in my current project. I will post a link to the finished product.

No more comments ^^
Name Rarity
Tablón Qty: 2-9
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