
Rare Resource Tier IV
Weight (lb): 0-1 Size (in): 4-11 Awards 175 XP for Fishing Skill

Una ostra. Esta captura se puede convertir en cebo y proporciona una perla.

Tier IV 0.3 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Viandas crudas, Peces, Viandas crudas de clase 4 Derived from Fishing - Saltwater (Cutlass Keys, Restless Shore, Mourningdale, Ebonscale Reach, Brimstone Sands)
Crafting material Used as crafting material
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AMILLI [Edited]

Prasinos333 is right.. 3 Major Fishing Gathering Trophy and Artisan's Fishing Pole (or any pole with Luck Day III or Lucky Night III) is all u need.. No fishing gears or baits needed.. U dont even need 350 Focus.. Hit up the hotspot in CK near Salty Island Shrine.. U will get mostly Rare fish.. But of course the loot pool for rare fish is big so chances of getting Oysters are still pretty slim


Is it hard to get?


To maximize oysters fish with 22500 combined luck in a tier 3 hotspot in RW or RS


Me es mas difícil obtener ostras ahora que soy nivel 200 y obtuve mejores trofeos.

[HC] Jager

Getting way less oysters when i leveled up to max, and got myself better trophies

No more comments ^^

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Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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