Cofre del tesoro hundido

Rare Resource Tier IV - Level 59
This item might not be obtainable

Un cofre lleno de objetos empapados. En su interior se puede oír un tintineo muy agradable.

Bind On Pickup Tier IV 1.0 Weight Max Stack: 10000
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.

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Xyo Admin Pinned

This isn't the Treasure chest that you get from fishing. This one was provided by the devs as compensation for some lost keys/expeditions a while ago.

Amazing User

this is from fishing?

kind cool tho


This is true ? I fished more than 100 Treasure Chest and I don't drop anything.

Coach Krab

these drops are sus

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