Espadón de enredavid

Legendary • Named Greatsword Tier V
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
75 Base Damage 7.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.25 Critical Damage Multiplier 60.0 Block Stamina Damage 60.0 Stagger Damage 34% Block Stability
221 slash Damage

Las raíces retorcidas se aferrarán a ti para darte su poder.

Bind On Pickup Named Item Tier V Scales With: STR 81%, DEX 80% 8.5 Weight 3000 Durability Requirement: Level 61
Gives 12
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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Dropped first try of luciferen but at 625....

Lynden Fowler

Guys, Sividus drops tanglevine weapons nearly every kill, but difficult to solo if you aren't geared and skilled. Hope this helps.

Alex GuGti

Farmed Adiana's Chosen Lotus. Adiana's Chosen Beast was in my clothes for about 1.5-2 hours for good luck and fell out.

Frank Heisenberg

about 40% chance to drop tanglevine item by killing Adiana's Chosen Lotus, beast, soldier, shaman, elite enemies in Elafry Pyrgo in Ely sian Wilds.

about 5%-10% chance to drop from regular razor plant in the area

Dropped every single tanglevine item and 1 GS after 7 hours farming

Maramma Man

Whats the best 3rd perk with this? Lifestealing? Attunement? Plagued Strikes?

ovydiu11 [Edited]

First Razor plant killed dropped one, for my GF, ive been killing for at least 4 hours, got every single piece of armor and weapon apart from the Greatsword

Edit: Elafry Pyrgo is where it dropped.

Edit 2: Another one dropped for me minutes after posting here(purple for me GS 671), dropped from the weird antler mob on the ramp going up.

wyplosz [Edited]

Been farming for 6 hours now. Got every single Tanglevine piece except the Greatsword... loosing hope.

Edit: 8 hours in, trying Luciferin like the guy before. Still nothing...

Edit2: Got a Legendary one in hour 10 with Leeching Crosscut... fml. Going to stay a bit longer.

Edit3: hour 12, still nothing... Taking a break for some sleep, i will continue this tommorow.

Edit4: It is another day. Hour 20. Just dropped another LEGENDARY one with Shirking Nature.
Moving away from Luciferin because he drops legendaries too often. Going back to Elafry Pyrgo...


Can confirm its dropping, farmed it at Elafry Prygo from those Blade-Plants.

V3NM [Edited]

I don't think it does, over 100 kills on 3 bosses each and every other piece dropped but this one.

EDIT: Luciferin dropped it for me finally.


Does this even drop? Farmed for 3-4 hrs and got every single tanglevine weapon except this.

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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