We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.
cant repair this item, so be careful (use it for turkeys only)
Disappears at the end of the event.
@Dkmtz event coating / ward potion. You can see the items that need this in the drop table here.
Special Item is an Infused Turkey Coating/wards
Received it from skinning a normal turkey.
When using it unlocks the following drops:
- Infused Turky Coating (While this weapon is active deal more 300% damage to Turkulon and 15% to Beasts.)
- Infused Turkey Ward Potion (Increases damage absorption from Turkulon by 66% and Beasts by 15% for 30 seconds or after receiving damage 15 times.)