Elemental de la tundra

Mining, Level 100

Gatherable - Elemental de la tundra

Interaction Rewards
16.75 XP 190 Mining XP
Gather time: 15s Respawns in 21m - 30m
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Ydiss [Edited]

There are actually three Tundra wolves in the world, all in GC. There are two wolf caves nerby east outpost and each has one (they're marked on the map) and there's an unmarked one at the northern-most tip of the region. But yes, due to the long respawn timer, they're not super useful for mining ore (although the North one spawns in about 6 mins, so not horrendous if you're just after mining semi-AFK whilst working from home etc). Still decent for gathering water quins in a pinch. Possibly slower than just farming water motes and upgrading though.

The northern one is nicely situated along the starmetal route atop the Northern edge of Mangled though, so you can incorporate that on your mining route (drop into the cave, kill the wolf and there's also a nice fat vein there too).

Amazing User

Only one wolf in map with this element. Its Great Cleave, right Outpost, nearby wolf cave. Useless for mining.

Amazing User [Edited]

the doggos around brightwood and ebonscale does not drop water quints, only life quints.

No more comments ^^

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