Elemental de la montaña

Mining, Level 100

Gatherable - Elemental de la montaña

Interaction Rewards
16.75 XP 284 Mining XP
Gather time: 70s Respawns in 21m - 30m
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Drakul [Edited]

Bear name: Hortus Bear
Lodestone Drops:
- Without PPB: 5-8
- With PPB: 6-9
Other Drops:
- Dried Dryad Sap / Small Animal Bone / Softwood Prayer Beads / Strong Regen Potion / Strong Mana Potion / Strong HP Potion
Total kills: 40


Found this after I mined wierd looking bear near malevolence or in reekwater

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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