respawn rate is less than a minute
His new respawn time is ~20 seconds with ~33% chance to drop anything at all. If you do get a loot bag from him, it will always have a Glowing Sap Shard. I have never gotten a full Glowing Sap from him, and I have killed him over 400 times.
spawn rate is indeed 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
The Dryad Beast on top of Tor Mallacht seems to drop Lifering items. Atleast i got the Lifering Ring first try there
Dryad Beast has an approximate 6 minute respawn.
3 mins 30 seconds reset time
The Lifering items only drop in the Tor Mallacht POI. Baines and Dryad Beast are the same mob internally (just different display names)
So i killed it 10 times this Dryad Beast- 0 items "Lifering" gear. And Spown time over 5-6 minutes.
Does not drop Season 3 Lifering items, farm them at Entropy.
2min spawn rate
first 100 shards still 0 saps dropped.
Dropped Glowing Sap after 34 kills.
No luck equipment, just Tier4 Luck Trophies.
Can drop Glowing Sap, confirmed. Got it second kill after a very long break of previously farming for 57 kills some time ago.
İ drop Earing ''Ecnelovelam' Yvne'' kill 10 times and drop.
no luck set, just minor luck trophy, and bags.
2 mins respawn.
Since Summer Medleyfaire Update (28/07/22) Baines level increased to 63 and has chance to drop items at 590+ gs.
Respawn time is 90 seconds.
whats the respawn?
It drops Blessed Scepter and Withered Bough too. Primordial Armor sets too.
The Lifering items only drop in the Tor Mallacht POI. Baines and Dryad Beast are the same mob internally (just different display names)