Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score Zones Requirements Amuleto abisal ? ? Epic V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 2+ 1-65 Pendientes profundos ? ? Epic V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 2+ 1-65 Anillo profundo ? ? Epic V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 2+ 1-65 Mangual de brea resplandeciente del bárbaro ? Epic V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Espadón de brea resplandeciente del bandolero ? Epic V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Manoplas de vacío de brea resplandeciente del ocultista ? Epic V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Manoplas de hielo de brea resplandeciente del ocultista ? Epic V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Lanza de brea resplandeciente del bandolero ? Epic V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Scutum de brea resplandeciente ? Rare V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65 Escudo de lágrima de brea resplandeciente ? Rare V 626-700 The Depths (Mutated) Mutation Lv. 3 1-65
As of 17/10-23, in mutation this named mob does not count towards mutation multiplier of killing 8 named mobs.
It is therefore impossible to complete the multiplier.